Rooted in Rural Communities with Lewellyn Melnyk

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Today on the show, we talked about the growing topic of mental health with author, farmer, and mental health advocate Lewellyn Melnyk. Mental health is one of the biggest threats to rural communities, and Lewellyn has made it her life’s work to start more discussions around this topic, advocating for agriculture, women, and mental health. This conversation dives deep, and puts a positive spin on how we can help each other when it comes to the mental health of our rural communities.

Lewellyn is a journalist by trade and a farmer by choice. She has a passion for growing everything from wheat and canola to a vegetable garden, chickens, and two farm kids. Lewellyn worked as a reporter and anchor at CKX television in Brandon, Manitoba before turning her focus to farming alongside her husband, but writing continues to be her passion. Her new book “Rooted” is a prescriptive memoir that tells the story of her own struggles with anxiety and depression and offers tips on how to stay small town strong when things get tough.

In this episode Rooted in Rural Communities with Lewellyn Melnyk we cover: 

  • Ways to shake up our day to day routines to achieve a healthy mindset. 

  • Addressing the most common signs shown by those that might be dealing with even the slightest mental health battle. 

  • Lewellyn’s own journey with mental health, and the help that she found along the way.

  • Lewellyn’s unique memoir/self-help hybrid book.

  • How important it is to maintain an open mind because after all, we’re only human.

  • How rural communities are changing, and what that means for the future.

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Hey everyone, welcome to the Cattleman U Podcast! Join host, Karoline Rose, the founder and CEO of KRose Company and Cattleman U. Through our conversations here we share the latest ideas and techniques to help you start, improve and expand your farm or ranch. Join us as we visit with industry experts and cattle producers to get honest about the ins and outs of beef production. We'll dive into topics such as cattle handling, nutrition, cattle marketing, genetics, and so much more. 

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