You Didn’t Fail, You Learned Something with Brian Alexander

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Today on the show, we dive into custom grazing, and out of the box ways of thinking with Kansas rancher and podcaster Brain Alexander. There are countless opportunities on the rise everyday for those that want to get started in cattle. Especially those without much access to land, capital, or livestock. This might sound crazy, but Brian shares a glimpse of how to get this accomplished, what he’s personally experienced, and the excitement that these opportunities bring to our industry.


In this episode, You Didn’t Fail, You Learned Something with Brian Alexander, we cover: 

  • Breaking through those barriers to entry in our industry.

  • Finding those niches and filling them.

  • Properly managing your carrying capacity and what that means for the long term.

  • How important continued education and learning is to Brian and what changes he sees moving forward.

  • Most important principles in soil health.

  • Brian’s passion for land management and grazing efficiently.

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Hey everyone, welcome to the Cattleman U Podcast! Join host, Karoline Rose, the founder and CEO of KRose Company and Cattleman U. Through our conversations here we share the latest ideas and techniques to help you start, improve and expand your farm or ranch. Join us as we visit with industry experts and cattle producers to get honest about the ins and outs of beef production. We'll dive into topics such as cattle handling, nutrition, cattle marketing, genetics, and so much more. 

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